Sunday, July 22, 2012

Oaklands Photo Album

I wrote a post about Oaklands nearly a year ago now, with what I knew about the house. In that post, I said that there aren't very many pictures of the house. As it turns out, that is a completely untrue statement. I simply had not found (or identified) many of them yet. In this post, I am including photos from my personal collection as well as photos from the Philadelphia Department of Records. This latter set were taken when the city took possession of the property, to document it before demolishing the house.

I have reused the map from my previous post, but not any of the photos so refer to that post, as well, for more pictures.

Let's start with a plan of the property from a 1920 atlas of the city. This is oriented so that the top is NE, bottom is SW. The house faces southeast - towards Leiper Street - and has a curved drive up to the back of the house on Pilling Street. The other large building is the stable or barn.

On to the photos! I've put in a jump break because this is a long list of photos, so click "Read More" to see the rest of the post.

Here we see the southeast-facing side, the front of the house, and the main driveway that was never paved and so does not appear on most maps.

Here is the rear of the house. The curved porch faces northwest - Pilling Street.

I haven't seen any pictures of the other side of the rear porch (those photos would be taken from the north). The closest I have is the first picture of the previous set, labeled 1903.

Continuing around the house, we come to the northeast face, which included the oldest part of the house (the two-story wing) and faced the stable.

And finally, the barn or stable. The porch faced Leiper Street, to the southeast.


  1. I am loving the kettle in the 2nd photo. Thanks for sharing again. I can only wish that when I die and face God in heaven that if He grants wishes I can visit the old neighborhood when it was its own town.

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